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Configuring the Default Behavior

When you create a service, the default behavior is automatically created for you and it is part of your service. This behavior is applied for the entire service traffic. It is very similar to other behaviors, except that you can edit this behavior, but you cannot delete it. The default policy is always applied for the entire traffic, other behaviors can override the default behavior for some smaller slice of the traffic. Configuring the default behavior is very similar to creating a behavior. The default behavior defines the following actions:

  • Cache Behavior - Whether the content should be cached or not.
  • Cache TTL - The time duration that the CDN is allowed to keep the content in cache.
  • Cache Key - Defines the componenets of the cache key used to store objects in the CDN cache.
  • Status code cache 4xx/5xx - The time duration that the CDN is allowed to keep error responses in the cache.
  • Allowed Methods - The list of HTTP methods which are allowed for this service.
  • Compression - Whether the CDN should compress the content.
  • Cached Methods - The list of HTTP methods that the CDN will cache their responses.

To configure the default policy:

  1. Navigate to your service.
  2. Choose the Behaviors tab.
  3. Click on the Edit icon of the Default behavior.
  4. Edit the action you would like to change or add additional actions.